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Friday 3/28 @ Mercedes-Benz of Asheville
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Past, present, future
Our catastrophic loss and our road to rebuilding
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In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Brother Wolf faced immense challenges. Our shelter—a space that had saved over 100,000 animals since 2007—was tragically lost in the floodwaters, along with all our physical assets. What was once a place of hope and healing became a disaster zone. Thankfully, we safely evacuated our animals with our incredible community’s support.

The heart of Brother Wolf has never been just a building; it’s the collective spirit of our community coming together to create positive change for both people and animals.

Today, we stand in a place of rebuilding. Our Phase One goal of raising 1.5 million dollars was achieved thanks to people who love animals -providing stability to plan for the future.

Our commitment to the animals and people of this region has never been stronger. We are actively working to secure higher land in the Asheville area and plan to construct a new shelter with a firm specializing in building shelters. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to supporting our community through adoption programs, fostering opportunities, and continued care for animals with nowhere else to turn. We’re currently operating our programs out of a temporary facility in Asheville.

As things solidify, we will share updates on our website and social media channels regarding our land search, shelter-building plans, and programs.

We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support. Your generosity and kind words fuel our hope and drive our mission forward.

Together, we will rebuild and ensure that thousands of animals who depend on us each year continue to have a lifeline in their moments of need.

Thank you for standing with us. Together We Save Lives.


Brother Wolf Animal Rescue’s mission is to better the lives of companion animals and the people who love them. Through adoption and pet retention programs, a low-cost mobile spay and neuter clinic, lifesaving shelter transfer partnerships and extensive volunteer and foster networks, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue impacts the lives of thousands of animals each year.

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our blog

A Lifeline for Boo Boo, Lemonade & Do-si-do
Friends, In moments of crisis, when an animal’s life hangs in the balance, your kindness becomes their lifeline. You are the reason Boo Boo is still in her loving home. You are the reason Lemonade and Do-si-do have hope for a bright future. Boo Boo’s mom was desperate. Her beloved cat was runnin...
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