
We have roughly 12 hours remaining for GivingTuesday, which means time is running out to have your donation doubled up to $40,000! For dogs like Otter, your gift cannot come soon enough.

I will help suffering animals!

As an energetic puppy, Otter deserved to spend her days running freely and playing wildly… But the skin all over her body was bare and painful due to an awful case of mange. Pain took over every aspect of her life.

At Brother Wolf, our staff treated Otter gently and gave her plenty of space as they slowly introduced her to medicated baths that were lovingly referred to as her “spa treatments.”

It’s supporters like you who help us show once homeless animals what it feels like to be surrounded by tenderness, security, and love. Your generosity makes all the difference.

Double My Donation Now


With your help, Otter began to act more and more like her true self. We were blown away by her radiant smile and joyful full-body wiggles, even after being let down by people in the past.

Today with your generous donation, you can provide this joy to other animals just like Otter. They all deserve to be loved and to be free from their physical and emotional wounds. With your help, we can save their lives.


P.S. If you can’t donate today, please help us spread the word by liking, sharing, and commenting on our Facebook and Instagram posts to help us reach more people!