Animals’ lives are saved every single day at Brother Wolf thanks to your support. Just look at how many happy ever afters you’ve already created…over 100 adoptions in February alone! What an incredible start to the year!

Thanks to you, these animals who once felt unwanted, are now cherished, cared for, and surrounded by love in their adoptive homes. Sugar Bee is just one of the special cases Brother Wolf has already taken in this year. She was one of twenty dogs who were seized by law enforcement from a hoarding case in Western NC. Thanks to your support, we were able to help right away and get Sugar Bee into an experienced foster home where she could begin to recover and learn how to be loved and cared for.

Sugar Bee was adopted as soon as she was ready to go home! We can’t even imagine how good she must feel now waking up every day in her warm bed and knowing she will have food and safety, something she never experienced before coming to Brother Wolf.
Thank you for being part of Brother Wolf’s lifesaving team. What an incredible difference your support makes to the lives of homeless animals!