
By sharing a gift with the animals of Brother Wolf on this GivingTuesday, your generosity will go TWICE as far to help abandoned dogs like Emmy.

Emmy and her sibling were found in a storm drain by a good samaritan. Their rescuer heard their desperate cries and was shocked to find two puppies, one critically injured, trapped inside the storm drain.

Because Brother Wolf animals have passionate supporters like you on their side, we were able to spring into action immediately. Emmy was rushed to the emergency vet for treatment.

I want to help dogs like Emmy!
Emmy had a shattered femur and was in immense pain. To give her the best chance at recovery, her leg needed to be amputated, and quickly. Even in the darkest moments, kindness always shines through…little Emmy miraculously survived her surgery!

Sweet Emmy will never again feel the heartache and agony she experienced while living alone on the streets, and it’s all thanks to you.

Please take advantage of this generous $40,000 donation match happening for just 24 hours. Your support is critical to changing the lives of animals just like Emmy. They need you now more than ever.

P.S. If you can’t donate today, please help us spread the word by liking, sharing, and commenting on our Facebook and Instagram posts to help us reach more people!